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WINNING boat-races was all very fine; but a
hundred such victories could not compensate Mr.
Kennet's female hearers for one such defeat as he
had announced, a defeat that, to their minds,
carried disgrace. Their Edward plucked! At
first they were benumbed, and sat chilled, with
red checks, bewildered between present triumph
and mortification at hand. Then the colour
ebbed out of their faces, and they encouraged
each other feebly in whispers, " might it not be
a mistake?"

But unconscious Kennet robbed them of this
timid hope. He was now in his element, knew
all about it, rushed into details, and sawed away
all doubt from their minds.

The sum was this. Dodd's general performance
was mediocre, but passable; he was
plucked for his Logic. Hardie said he was very
sorry for it. "What does it matter," answered
Kennet; "he is a boating man."

"Well, and I am a boating man. Why you
told me yourself, the other day, poor Dodd was
anxious about it on account of his friends. And,
by-the-by, that reminds me they say he has got
two pretty sisters here."

Says Kennet, briskly, " I'll go and tell him; I
know him just to speak to."

"What, doesn't he know?"

"How can he know?" said Kennet, jealously;
the testamurs were only just out as I came
away." And with this he started on his congenial

Hardie took two or three of his long strides,
and fairly collared him. " You will do nothing of
the kind."

"What, not tell a man when he's ploughed?
That is a good joke."

"No. There's time enough. Tell him after
chapel, to-morrow, or in chapel if you must: but
why poison his triumphal cup? And his sisters,
too, why spoil their pleasure? Hang it all, not
a word about ' ploughing' to any living soul to-

To his surprise, Kennet's face expressed no
sympathy, nor even bare assent. At this Hardie
lost patience, and burst out impetuously, " Take
care how you refuse me; take care how you
thwart me in this. He is the best-natured fellow
in college. It doesn't matter to you, and it
does to him; and if you do, then take my name
off the list of your acquaintance, for I'll never
speak a word to you again in this world; no, not
on my death-bed, by Heaven."

The threat was extravagant; but Youth's
glowing cheek, and eye, and imperious lip, and
simple generosity, made it almost beautiful.

Kennet whined, "Oh, if you talk like that,
there is an end to fair argument."

"End it then, and promise me: upon your

"Why not? What bosh! There I promise.
Now, how do you construe ??????????????"

The incongruous dog (" I thank thee, Taff, for
teaching me that word") put this query with the
severity of an inquisitor bringing back a
garrulous prisoner to the point.

Hardie replied gaily, " Any way you like, now
you are a good fellow again."

"Come, that is evasive. My tutor says it
cannot be rendered by any one English word; no
more can ????????????."

"Why, what on earth can he know about
English?—???????????? is a Cormorant:
????????????is a Skinflint; and your tutor is a
Duffer. Hush! Keep dark now! here he
comes." And he went hastily to meet Edward
Dodd: and by that means intercepted him on
his way to the carriage. " Give me your hand,
Dodd," he cried; " you have saved the university.
You must be stroke of the eight-oar after
me. Let me see more of you than I have, old

"With all my heart," replied Edward, calmly,
but taking the offered hand cordially; though he
rather wanted to get away to his mother and

"We will pull together, and read together into
the bargain," continued Hardie.

"Read together? You and I? What do you

"Well, you see I am pretty well up in
the higher books; what I have got to rub up
is my Divinity and my Logic; especially my
Logic. Will you grind Logic with me? Say
' Yes,' for I know you will keep your word."

"It is too good an offer to refuse, Hardie;
but now I look at you, you are excited;