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The orderly should have in his haversack, in addition
to the above articles, a piece of tape, some pins, and
two or three rolls of tow. He should carry a canteen,
either of wood or indiarubber, full of water, and a
drinking cup. The second man should carry a canvass
bearer with shoulder-straps, and, like the former, should
have a canteen full of water. The third man, I think,
should be armed, to protect the party against stragglers
and marauders, and, like his fellows, carry a canteen
full of water. The second assistant-surgeon should
receive the wounded from the field, see them carefully
placed in the spring-waggon, and then accompany the
spring-waggon to where the surgeon and third assistant
are stationed, ready to afford them the surgical aid
they may require. For this service, the second assistant-
surgeon should be accompanied by two men to
assist in placing the men carefully in the waggon: these
men should accompany the waggon, and assist in like
manner in taking the wounded out. These men should
likewise carry canteens full of water, and there should
be a skin of water, as a reserve, in the waggon, with
a drinking-cup.

"6. The site selected by the staff-surgeon of brigade
for the reception of the wounded from the field should
be as sheltered as possible; and if not easily
distinguished, a flag should be put up; and if any houses
be near, calculated for the reception of wounded men,
they should be taken possession of at once, and an
abundant supply of water, and, if possible, straw,

"7. Should the action prove decisive, tents can be
pitched for the temporary accommodation of the wounded;
but should the army advance, the surgeon, and
one assistant at least, should accompany their regiments,
leaving one or two assistants according to the number of
wounded, to aid the divisional staff, who will pitch the
reserve marquees, and make all necessary preparation
for the comfort and accommodation of the wounded,
by having tea, broth, or essence of beef, (which is
readily made into broth, by adding hot water) wine and
brandy, &c, ready. Should the army unfortunately
meet with a reverse, all available transport must be
pressed for the removal of the wounded to the rear, and
they must be sent off as speedily as possible: but
neither here nor on the field of battle should any one be
carried whose hurts are so slight as to admit of his
walking. Nor should commanding-officers of
regiments when wounded, be allowed to take medical
officers of their own corps to the rear with them, or
officers of any grade be permitted to appropriate the
spring-waggons for the special conveyance of
themselves and their luggage; and positive orders should
be given to prevent bandsmen, drummers, or pioneers,
specially told off to assist the wounded, from being left
in charge of officers' horses and effects.

"8. Should the army have to effect a landing on an
enemy's coast, with an opposing force to meet it, the
men should eat a good meal before leaving the ships,
and should cook whatever provisions it is deemed
necessary to serve out to them before they start. Pork is
better than beef for this purpose, as it warms up more
readily with any vegetable the men may find on shore.
The medical officers should land with the last boats
of their regiments, and should carry with them their
haversacks, dressings, and canvass bearers, if the landing
be opposed, so as to be able to bring the wounded
at once to the boats for conveyance to the ships set
apart for their reception. Care should be taken that
each boat employed in this service contains a supply
of water and a drinking-horn.

"9. Should a landing be effected, and any horses
be disembarked, the surgeon's pack-horse and panniers
should be among the first.

"10. As soon after an action as possible , medical
officers in charge of corps will make out and transmit
to the Inspector-General of Hospitals, for the information
of the General-commanding-in-chief, returns of
casualties.—JOHN HALL, M.D., Inspector-General of

An officer of the Light Division (whose letters have
appeared in the Daily News), writing on the 2nd of
September, gives interesting particulars of the embarkation:
—"In spite of the adverse circumstances which
have surrounded us lately, the men marched in excellent
spirits, fought against debility or fatigue, sang on the
road, and on Varna coming in sight gave lusty cheers,
interrupted only by good-humoured sallies and laughter.
'Look down there,' cries out one fellow, 'I'm blowed if
there arn't the Guards a-drinking of our share of the
porter.'   'Faix,' says another, 'they say there's lots of
it in that Blastherpoll we're going to take, and we won't
let them have more than their share of that, any how.'
'Bono, Johnny,' says half-a-dozen to some Turk as he
passes. 'Bono, Johnny,' he gravely replies; then follows
a general laugh and a shout, and the Turk smiles too,
as he sees there is some sort of a joke in the salutation,
though what it is he evidently don't comprehend. Then
tents after tents come into sight, and ships after ships in
the bay below;—then the 2nd brigade comes alongside
of the 1st brigade of the Light Division;—then there
are more cheers;—then the regiments fall into their
places, and in a few minutes more nothing is heard but
the sharp hammering of hundreds of tent-pegs, and very
little is seen, for the sun has set long ago, and clouds
have gathered, and it is night. Keep away rain, till our
cooks have made us a brew of coffee, and then, safely
housed under our canvass, 'Good night to all.' The
whole of the 30th, as had been the case for many days,
was occupied in embarking troops of all arms, and
munitions of war. The Light Division was, by the 31st,
all on board. Every available space in each transport is
occupied. Officers making shake-downs on tables or any
vacant place, men lying wherever their neighbours will
leave a bit of room, and all bearing the crowding cheerfully.
Of course such crowding could not be endured
for many daysdisease would inevitably break out.
They are all glad to leave Bulgaria, and eager for an
opportunity of showing that if they have not been occupied
with the enemy before this, it has not been from
any want of desire on their parts. You would be
surprised if you were here to witness how little anxiety
or change in every day-manners and lifeis shown by
the men or officers who are on the eve of such a
tremendous struggle, as every one expects the attack on
Sebastopol to be. The chances are calculated as quietly
as if it were an approaching game at chess. It has
appeared strange that, closely packed as the troops
necessarily are, an addition should be made to the
numbers on board by sending the women of the different
regiments with them. Yet an order was issued that
they should embark with their husbands in the transports
I presume, because government has made no
arrangements for their being taken care of on shore.
Throughout, the provision made for these wretched
creatures has been lamentable. Two tents per regiment
have been allowed, but as no blankets could be obtained
for them they appealed for a share of their husbands'
blankets and great coat. Hence ensued the practice of
a number of married men and women sleeping together
round the pole of a small tentliterally according to the
common simile, 'like herrings in a barrel.' When
regiments were encamped for any lengthened period,
the officers commanding caused huts to be constructed,
to remedy the evil as much as possible. No provision
was made for the women when they became sick. The
clothes which they brought with them have become
threadbare. In every way, the condition of the women,
physically and morally, has been pitiable. How much
wiser and kinder it would have been to have forbidden
them from taking the field at all! All the weakly men
have been embarked with their regiments. The sea air
will soon recruit their strength, and every one who can
carry a Minié will be of service. One regiment left only
twenty sick behind, and in several the numbers left have
been very limited; each man, with very few exceptions,
making every exertion to accompany his regiment."

The Condition of the Allied Troops, in Sanitary and
Other Respects, During the Latter Part of their Stay
at Varna and its Neighbourhood will be gathered from
the numerous communications in the daily journals.—
The "special correspondent" of the Times, writing from
Varna on the 12th August, gives interesting details of
the cholera, the imprudent habits of the soldiers, and
the state of the commissariat at that date. "At present