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Ocean," and on the reverse, "Pioneers of

These devices were contrived by the worthy
Boatswain of the "Erebus," who undertook
to perform the part of landlord. Not rejoicing
in a sufficiently portly person, as he
thought, for sustaining with becoming dignity
the new character he assumed, he made up
what Nature had denied him in rotundity
of figure by stuffing a pillow under his
waistcoat. Thus rigged, he strutted about
much after the fashion of a cropper pigeon;
his hands stuck in his shooting-jacket pocket;
an apron fastened round his waist, in front of
which dangled a huge bunch of keys.
Inexpressibles buckled at the knees; and a
round cap, worn jauntily on one side, completed
his costume: he played his part with
much humour. Two young seamen, acting as
his waiters, were busily employed in handing
round genuine " Antarctic ices " on a tray.
In front of the Hotel, the English ensign
waved to the southern breeze, guarded by a
cannon and pile of shot, not of iron, but ice,
which spared our powder. Near the gangway
of the "Terror," a female figure, in a
sitting attitude, her head ornamented with a
profusion of ringlets, was modelled in snow,
and surmounted by the word " Haidee; " but
whether she bore any resemblance to the
beautiful Greek girl of Byron's imagination, is an
affair of the sculptor's. In front of the gangway
of the " Erebus " appeared the bust of a
male figure, wearing a foraging cap, and
formed of the same plastic material.

As the bells of the two ships struck their
navitical number, eight, which announced the
hour of midnight, the New Year was welcomed
in by three loud and hearty cheers; and
whilst the echo from the last cheer was
reverberating among the surrounding bergs,
the sharp crack of a fowling-piece, ringing
through the rarefied air, was followed by the
whirling descent of the lifeless form of the
beautiful White Petrel, (Procellaria nivea,)
the first offering to the New Year, and victim
in the cause of science. This true and faithful
harbinger of ice, hovering over the scene
at such a momentpoor bird!—paid dearly
for the gratification of its curiosity; the
temptation to possess it, proving too strong
for an enthusiastic ornithologist to resist,
as he reclined, gun in hand, on a hummock
of ice, a close observer of the surrounding

Whilst these amusements were progressing
in the ice-built Hotel, the scene visible from
the " Terror's" " crow's nest " (a cask with the
head out, and with a seat in the centre,
placed at the fore-top-gallant-mast head, as
an observatory for watching the movements
amongst the ice) was even more ludicrous and
amusing. On her decks below, several of the
crew commenced singing and blowing horns,
whilst others, full of rude mirth, seizing the
pigs in the sty by the ears, pinched them
until the hapless grunters united their cries
in concert with the horns, varying the key,
as Jack tightened or relaxed his grasp,
according to his own notions of keeping time.
This elicited roars of laughter from the rest of
the crew. All the time, showers of snowballs
flew about in all directions; the entire group
appearing as full of boisterous mirth and
frolic as if the whole had been enacting on
the frozen surface of the Thames or Medway.

The usual New Year's present, consisting
of a suit of warm clothing and extra allowance
of rations, was served out in the course
of the day to each individual of the Expedition.
And all the officers dined with the Captain,
who had been their guest in the gun-room
on Christmas Day. Roast goose and roast
beef again constituted the fare; mince-pies
superseding the plum-pudding.

The day was closed with a dance in the
"Crystal Ball-room," in which both Captains
joined. In the absence of our fair country-
women this could scarcely be otherwise than
a dull affair.

Thus ended our Christmas holidays in the
pack. About midnight, from the main-top-
mast cross-trees of the " Erebus," the view
presented one unbroken surface of ice; not
the slightest opening of water was to be
seen, anywhere around, to the horizon; just
above which, that beautiful orb of both
day and night, here, for a time, appeared
rolling along its verge like a bright globe
of fire. A few majestic-looking bergs, alone,
broke in upon the general uniformity of the
pack, casting their shadows upon its surface.
A solitary Antarctic gull, winding his way
past the ships in search of open water, for
his predatory excursions, gave the only
indication of life in the vast solitude.

From that solitude of the South Pole the
"Erebus " and " Terror " safely returned, to
make their way to the frozen North, where
their absence, with their gallant leader, Sir
John Franklin, has caused such a painful
degree of excitement throughout the length
and breadth of our native land, and raised
so wide a sympathy through the whole civilised
world. And although, at the approaching
festive season, many a family circle,
assembled round the winter's hearth, may
have to lament the absence of some relative
or much-valued friend from the otherwise
joyous scene, let no such family despair,
however discouraging their forebodings; for,
in the absence of all tidings of our long-
missing countrymen, hope still remains. It is
fostered and supported by the fact, that the
annals of the Northern Whale Fishery record
instances of the return of adventurers from
those regions, after periods of absence, as long
protracted, and in which the absent sailors
have been as long unheard of, as in the case of
Franklin and his crew. Let it be borne in
mind, that where the Esquimaux can live,
there the English seaman can live. We may
yet hope to see the crews of the "Erebus"