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avoid him. He saw me, however, and, to my
surprise, hurried across and shook me heartily
by the hand. I could scarcely restrain tears ;
so sure was I, in my present state, to be cut
by even old friends. But, in my worst
troubles, something has always turned up to
make me love and cherish the human heart.

"My poor Karl," said he, " the world uses
you badly."

"Very; " said I: and in a few words I told
my story.

"My dear Karl! " he exclaimed, when I
had concluded; " I was going to ask you to
dine with me on what I have left. I am
come up to claim a year's arrears of pay, and
have been sent back with a free passage and
promises. But I have a little silver; and, as
I said, meant to ask you to devour it. But
after what you have told me, will you share
my purse with me for your wife and children's
sake? " And he pulled out a purse containing
about the value of five shillings English,
forced me to take half, shook me heartily by
the hand, and hurried away to escape my

Home I rushed with mad eagerness, a loaf
in one hand, the rest of the money in the
other. My poor wife once more could give
food to her little ones. On the morning of
the third day after I had obtained this little
help, I lay in bed, ruminating. I was turning
over in my mind every possible expedient by
which to raise enough money to go on
with, a brief time, until my machine was
really decided on by the Government.
Suddenly I sat up in my bed and addressed my

"How much money have you got left,
Catherine ?"

She had threepence of your money.

"Can you manage with the loaf of bread
then, and three-halfpence for to-day?"

"I have often managed on less," said she.

"Then give me three-halfpence to take out
with me."

"But what are you going to do ? We
may have nothing to-morrow, and then the
three-halfpence will be missed."

"Give! " said I, rather sternly, reflecting
as I was on my scheme; " be assured, it is for
our good."

My poor wife gave me the money with a
very ill grace, but without another word; and,
rising, I went out. When in the street, I
directed my footsteps towards the outskirts.
They were soon reached. I halted before a
tavern frequented wholly by workmen, and
going into the public room, called for a choppe
of beer. I had purposely chosen my position.
Before me was a handsome, neatly-dressed
young workman, who, like all his companions,
was smoking and drinking beer. Quietly,
without saying a word, I drew out a small
note-book and a drawing pencil. I was then
considered a very good artist; but had only
used my pencil to sketch models. But I now
sketched the human face with care and
anxiety. Presently, as my pencil was laid
down, a man sitting next to me peeped over
my shoulder.

"Why! " he cried, " that's Alexis, to the

"How so? " said the man I had been
sketching, holding out his hand, into which I
put my note-book.

"Good! " cried he, while a smile of
satisfaction covered his face. " Will you sell this?
I should like to keep it."

"I will sell it if you like," replied I, as
quietly as I could, though my heart was nigh
bursting with excitement.

"How much?"

I knew my man, and asked but six sous,
threepence, which the workman gladly paid,
while five others followed his example at the
same price. I went home a proud and happy
man with my thirty-six pence of copper.
Would you believe it? that was the
commencement of a long and prosperous career,
which lasted until the Revolution of 1848
threw me back again. Six months after, I
received a thousand florins for a portrait in
oil of the Grand Duchess of B— ; and
about the end of the same year I drove up to
the Hotel of the Minister of the Interior in
a splendid carriage, a gentleman by my side ;
it was the English commercial traveller.

We had a letter of audience, and were
admitted at once. The Minister rose, and
after a very warm greeting, requested us to
be seated. We took chairs.

"My dear Herwitz," said the Minister, a
little, bowing, smirking man, " what can I do
for you? Glad to see you doing so well.
The Grand Duchess says wonders of you. I
will have the committee on your machine."

"I beg your pardon," said I, " but I have
come to request your written order for its
removal. I have sold it to the English house
represented by this gentleman."

"Its removal! " cried the astonished
Minister; " but it is impossible. So excellent an
invention should not pass into the hands of

"So I thought," replied I, coldly, "when
for nine months I waited daily in your
antechamber, with my family starving at
home. But it is now sold. My word is my

The Minister bit his lip, but made no
reply. He took up a sheet of paper, and
wrote the order for removal. I took it,
bowed stiffly, and came away.

We all heartily thanked the old German
for his narrative. Since the Revolution, and
the consequent impossibility of selling his
machines in Germany, he has come to Paris,
and taken to portrait-painting once more. His
perseverance and endurance are untiring. His
wife died long since, and he is like a mother to
his four girls;—all of whom are most
industrious and devoted. He still believes in his
flying machine; but, for the sake of his parental
love, his hard-working head and fingersfor