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York, whose shadowy history was made more
shadowyand ever will be henceforthby
the mystery and craft of the King. If he had
turned his great natural advantages to a more
honest account, he might have lived a happy
and respected life, even in those days. But
he died upon a gallows at Tyburn, leaving
the Scottish lady who had loved him so well,
kindly protected at the Queen's Court. After
some time she forgot her old loves and troubles,
as so many people do with Time's merciful
assistance, and married a Welsh gentleman.
Her second husband, SIR MATTHEW CRADOC,
more honest and more happy than her first,
lies beside her in a tomb in the old church of

The ill-blood between France and England
in this reign, arose out of the continued
plotting of the Duchess of Burgundy, and
disputes respecting the affairs of Brittany. The
Kiug feigned to be very patriotic, indignant,
and warlike; but he always contrived so as
never to make war in reality, and always to
make money. His taxation of the people, on
pretence of war with France, involved, at
one time, a very dangerous insurrection,
headed by Sir John Egremont, and a common
man called John a Chambre. But it was
subdued by the royal forces, under the
command of the Earl of Surrey. The knighted
John escaped to the Duchess of Burgundy,
who was ever ready to receive any one who
gave the King trouble; and the plain John
was hanged at York, in the midst of a
number of his men, but on a much higher gibbet,
as being a greater traitor. Hung high or
hung low, however, hanging is much the same
to the person hung.

Within a year after her marriage, the Queen
had given birth to a son, who was called
Prince Arthur, in remembrance of the old
British prince of romance and story; and who,
when all these events had happened, being then
in his fifteenth year, was married to CATHERINE,
the daughter of the Spanish monarch,
with great rejoicings and bright prospects;
but in a very few months he sickened and died.
As soon as the King had recovered from his
grief, he thought it a pity that the fortune of
the Spanish Princess, amounting to two
hundred thousand crowns, should go out of the
family; and therefore arranged that the young
widow should marry his second son HENRY,
then twelve years of age, when he too should
be fifteen. There were objections to this
marriage on the part of the clergy; but as
the infallible Pope was gained over, and as he
must be right, that settled the business for
the time. The King's eldest daughter was
provided for, and a long ctiurse of disturbance
was considered to be set at rest, by her being
married to the Scottish King.

And now the Queen died. When the King
had got over that grief too, his mind once
more reverted to his darling money for con-
solation, and he thought of marrying the
dowager Queen of Naples, who was immensely
rich: but, as it turned out not to be practicable
to gain the money, however practicable it
might have been to gain the lady, he gave up
the idea. He was not so fond of her but
that he soon proposed to marry the Dowager
Duchess of Savoy, and soon afterwards the
widow of the King of Castile who was raving
mad. But he made a money-bargain instead,
and married neither.

The Duchess of Burgundy, among the
other discontented people to whom she had
given refuge, had sheltered EDMUND DE
LA POLE (younger brother of that Earl of
Lincoln who was killed at Stoke), now Earl
of Suffolk. The King had prevailed upon
him to return to the marriage of Prince
Arthur; but, he soon afterwards went away
again; and then the King, suspecting a
conspiracy, resorted to his favorite plan of
sending him some treacherous friends, and
buying of those scoundrels the secrets they
disclosed or invented. Some arrests and
executions took place in consequence. In the end,
the King, on a promise of not taking his life,
obtained possession of the person of Edmund
de la Pole, and shut him up in the Tower.

This was his last enemy. If he had lived
much longer he would have made many more
among the people, by the grinding exaction
to which he constantly exposed them, and by
the tyrannical acts of his two prime favorites
in all money-raising matters, EDMUND DUDLET
and RICHARD EMPSON. But Deaththe
enemy who is not to be bought off or deceived;
and on whom no money, and no treachery,
has any effectpresented himself at this
juncture, and ended the King's reign. He died
of the gout on the twenty-second of April,
one thousand five hundred and nine, in the
fifty-third year of his age, after reigning
twenty-four years; and was buried in the
beautiful Chapel of Westminster Abbey,
which he had himself founded, and which
still bears his name.

It was in this reign that the great
CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, on behalf of Spain,
discovered what was then called The New
World. Great wonder, interest, and hope of
wealth being awakened in England thereby,
the King and the merchants of London and
Bristol fitted out an English expedition for
further discoveries in the New World, and
entrusted it to SEBASTIAN CABOT, of Bristol,
the son of a Venetian pilot there. He was
very successful in his voyage, and gained high
reputation, both for himself and England.

      On the 30th instant will be Published, Price 3s. 6d.,
                  THE SECOND VOLUME OF
                     BY CHARLES DICKENS.
  To be completed in three Volumes, of the same size and price,
         Collected and revised from " Household Words,"
                      With a Table of Dates.
    The First Volume may be had of all Booksellers.