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The third division of the miscellany
consists of accounts of the most remarkable
Transactions and Events, Foreign and
Domestic; which has for heading the second
title of the magazineThe Monthly
Intelligencer; a title since exchanged for a more
ambitious style, The Historical Review.
Short paragraphs give, day by day, the
domestic events of the month, and occupy about
half-a-dozen pages. The doings of the court
form the leading topic; how their majesties
on New Year's Day received the compliments
of the nobility, and listened to the ode
composed for the occasion by Colly Cibber,
Esquire, Poet Laureate; how, on Twelfth
Day, the royal family appeared in the collars of
their respective orders, attended divine
service, and, in the evening, "play'd at hazard,
for the benefit of the groom-porter, and 'twas
said the King won six hundred guineas, the
Queen three hundred and sixty, Princess
Amelia twenty, Princess Caroline ten, the
Earl of Portman, and Duke of Grafton,
several thousands."

Oddly enough, on the same night, "Mr.
Sharpless, High Constable of Holborn
division, with several of his petty constables,
searched a notorious gaming-house behind
Gray's Inn Walks; but the gamesters having
previous notice, all fled except the master
of the house, who was apprehended, and
bound in a recognisance of two hundred
pounds penalty, pursuant to the old statute
of Thirty-third of Henry the Eighth. It may
be some sort of amusement," continues the
editor, "to present our readers with the
following list of officers established in the
most notorious gaming-houses." Agreeing
with him in this opinion, we copy the

First, a Commissioner, always a proprietor, who
looks in of a night, and the week's accompt is audited
by him and two others of the proprietors. Second, a
Director, who superintends the room. Third, an
Operator, who deals the cards at a cheating game
called Faro. Fourth, two Crowpees [sic.], who watch
the cards and gather the money for the bank. Fifth,
two Puffs, who have money given them to decoy
others to play. Sixth, a Clerk, who is a check upon
the Puffs, to see that they sink none of the money
that is given them to play with. Seventh, a Squib is
a puff of lower rank, who serves at half salary while he
is learning to deal. Eighth, a Flasher, to swear how
often the bank has been stript. Ninth, a Dunner, who
goes about to recover money lost at play. Tenth, a
Waiter, to fill out wine, snuff candles, and attend in the
gaming-room. Eleventh, an Attorney, a Newgate
sollicitor [sic]. Twelfth, a Captain, who is to fight a
gentleman that is peevish for losing his money.
Thirteenth, an Usher, who lights gentlemen up and down
stairs, and gives the word to the porter. Fourteenth, a
Porter, who is generally a soldier of the foot-guards.
Fifteenth, an Orderly-man, who walks up and down
the outside of the door, to give notice to the porter,
and alarm the house at the approach of the constables.
Sixteenth, a Runner, who is to get intelligence of
the Justices' meeting. Seventeenth, link-boys, coachmen,
chairmen, drawers, or others, who bring the first
intelligence of the Justices' meetings, or of the
constables being out at half-a-guinea reward. Eighteenth,
Common-bail affidavit-men, ruffians, bravoes, assassins,
cum multis aliis.

The Houses of Lords and Commons do not
appear to have set to work very zealously in
that month; for nothing is said of them except
the presentation of the address of thanks,
and their attendance at the sermons preached
on the anniversary of the martyrdom of King
Charles the First.

There was "Great talk of an experiment to
be made on Charles Ray, in Newgate, a
malefactor reprieved on that occasion (New
Year's Day). It was said to be in order to
discover whether deafness is not to be cured
by purging. The tympanum was to be cut
by an instrument, in order to demonstrate
whether the hearing proceeds from the
tympanum, or the nerves that lie between that
and the conception of the ear." George
Barrington, Esquire, embarks for his government
of North Carolina. The remains of the
Earl of Delorain are privately interred in
Oxfordshire. Governors are chosen for the
corporation, for melting down lead with sea-coal.
Mr. Franklin is taken into custody for printing
The Craftsman; a measure not actually
resented, perhaps, by the then Laureate.
The Society for Propagating Christianity, is
said to have twelve thousand five hundred
and sixty-three pounds, twelve shillings and
fivepence stock, one hundred and thirty-two
schools, and resolves to send three
missionaries to preach the Gospel to the Indians
on the borders of New England. Terence
Magrath inveigles Irish papists to enter the
French service, and a barbarous murder at
Cork is punished by a barbarous execution.
On January the fifteenth, one Jim Croneen
is sentenced, for the murder and robbery of
Mr. Leger and his wife at Bally Volane, to
be hanged for two minutes, then disemboweled
and quartered, and to be buried in
four cross ways.

He was servant to Mr. Leger, and committed the
murder with the privity of Joan Condon, the servant-
maid, who was sentenced to be burnt; also of the
gardener, whom he knocked on the head, to deprive
him of his share of the booty. When taken, he said
he would have all Catholic servants use their Protestant
masters so, if they would merit heaven. But
after the trial made the following declaration: "The
Devil was too great with me. I first resolved only to
rob my master; but, when I went into the bedroom,
shot him in his bed, and gave my mistress five stabs.
The gardener consented to go with me and hold the
candle. I took twenty pounds and the watch out of
my master's pocket, and then rode off; having first
killed the gardener and given the maid a small share
of the money."

Eight persons are arrested at Norwich for
circulating a treasonable paper called the
Duke of Wharton's reasons. Scotch peers,
on their way to Parliament, are compelled
to alight, and walk many miles on foot
through the snow. A medal struck, with the