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the advancement of certain questions, on which I have
strong convictions. Deprive me of that power; tell me
I am not to do this, because it is likely to destroy
a government with which at the present moment I can
have no sympathy; I say, then, the sooner I return to
printing calicoes, or something more profitable than
sitting up in the House of Commons night after night in
that way, the better both for me and my friends."


William Henry Marshall, a servant out of place at
Brighton, attempted to Murder his Wife, and afterwards
committed suicide, on the 30th of December. At three
o'clock in the morning his wife was awoke by a knocking
at the door, on opening which she observed that her
husband was almost in a state of nudity. "Why did he
return home in that state?" she inquired. He replied
"To kill you," and suiting the action to the word, he
seized her by the shoulders, and then grasped her
throat. Nearly naked as she was, she rushed into the
street, followed by her husband, who caught her in the
middle of the road. They then struggled together till
she fell, and he upon her. She raised the cry of
"Police" and "Murder," and then effected her escape.
As she ran off she saw a razor in his hand, and he
having raised himself again fell. She then returned to
him and found the blood gushing from his throat and a
razor lying beside him. By the time that several
persons, alarmed by her cries, reached the spot, the man
was dead. A coroner's jury gave a Verdict of Temporary

On new year's eve a horrible Murder was committed
in Paris. Two old ladies, Madame Ribault and
Mademoiselle Lebelle, jointly occupied an apartment in
the Rue Bourbon Chateau, Faubourg St. Germain.
The former has published several successful works on
education, but has latterly devoted her time to writing
articles for periodical publications, and more particularly
for the "Journal des Demoiselles." The directors of
this publication are always in the habit of sending one
of the clerks to settle the monthly accounts of the parties
who contribute articles to the work. A man named
Laforcade, who was sent to settle the old lady's account,
had some months since a violent altercation with her,
he having made a mistake on his own side of 5f. On
this occasion the amount due to Mne. Ribault was
400f., when Laforcade offered her 200f., saying that she
had already received 200f. on account. This she denied,
when the clerk presented her with a receipt for that
sum with her name affixed to it, but which signature
she immediately declared to be a forgery. On this a
violent altercation ensued, when the clerk suddenly
attacked Mme. Ribault, and struck her several blows on
the head and chest with a sharp instrument, which he
had concealed about him. She fell to the ground
senseless, and apparently dead. The noise of her fall
attracted the attention of Mdlle. Lebelle, who was in
another room, and she hastened to ascertain the cause
of it. The moment she entered the room, the clerk
flew at her, and in a few moments she was lying on
the floor a corpse. The murderer then returned to his
residence at Montmartre. Madame Ribault, after
some time, recovered from her state of insensibility,
and although exhausted from loss of blood, managed
to crawl to a table on which was a small bell,
with which she hoped to bring assistance. The
noise of carriages in the street prevented the bell from
being heard, and it was not for some hours after that
some persons ascending the staircase entered the apartment.
The commissary of police was immediately sent
for, and received from the lips of Madame Ribault a
recital of what had taken place. A warrant for the
arrest of the murderer was immediately issued, and he
was taken at the office, to which he had gone as usual,
in the belief that no one could appear against him. It
appears that after the assassin had gone away, Madame
Ribault, whilst lying bleeding on the floor, feared that
she would die before assistance should arrive; she
accordingly attempted to trace in blood on her chemise
characters which would indicate the assassin; but,
reflecting that they would not be legible, she, by a great
effort, managed to crawl to a chimney-board, where she
traced with her finger, dipped in blood, the letters
"Commis de M. T— ." These letters are very
irregular, but are perfectly legible; some others
that follow the letter T. are illegible. After this
Madame Kibault began to make as much noise as her
failing strength would allow, in order to attract
assistance, and at last the door of her apartment was
forced open. The courage displayed by this old lady
was extraordinarily great; for eight hours she remained
lying on the floor in a pool of blood, and every hour
became weaker and weaker, and, during all this time,
the corpse of her murdered companion was lying near
her. After Madame Ribault had been stabbed by the
assassin in different places, he attempted to thrust a piece
of cloth into her throat, but she succeeded in dragging
it away. The cloth in questiona napkinwas found;
it bore the marks of teeth and blood. It was believed
that Madame Lebelle had been strangled; but, on
examination of her throat by medical men, none of the
contusions caused by strangulation could be discovered.
In examining her mouth a black pin was found, and
afterwards a piece of black riband was seen hi the
throat. By the aid of instruments this was pulled up,
and to it was attached the cap which Madame Ribault
had worn on the previous evening. It had been pressed
into a sort of ball, and thrust violently into the throat
of the deceased by a stick, or some such sort of thing.
The assassin attempted suicide by opening a vein with a
piece of glass which he took from the window; but he
was discovered in time.

A daring Robbery was committed during the night
of the 1st inst., at Downlands, in Sussex, the house of
the Misses Farncombe. At three in the morning five
men broke into the house, through a window of the
dairy. They went up stairs and entered the bed-room
of Thomas Wood, the man-servant. Aroused by the
noise, he leaped from bed and seized his gun, but before
he had time to present it he was knocked down by a
blow from the butt end of a pistol. Each man had a
lighted candle and a pistol. They were disguised and
wore masks. Upon coming into the room some of them
exclaimed, "There is the— ," and they threatened
him with instant death if he did not remain quiet.
One of them acted as captain, and he employed threats
to his followers whenever they did not do as he
requested. It is evident they were not quite strangers,
for they called the servant by his name, "Tom," and
one of the party demanded of the others that he should
he quieted (killed) for having a gun in his hand at the
time of coming in; and upon this two held guard over
him, while the others went to a door at the other end
of the room, and while there consulted whether they
should kill him. Afterwards they burst in the panels
of this door, and entered a dressing-room which led
into Miss Susan Farncombe's bed-room. She screamed,
but was compelled by the threats of the burglars to be
quiet. When Wood heard his mistress scream, he
implored the two fellows who guarded him to prevent their
companions from injuring her or his other ladies, and
one of them went away for such purpose. They
demanded money, and commenced ransacking the boxes,
cupboards, &c., passing quickly from room to room, and
guarding the different passages of the house. They
held possession of the house for two hours without
being disturbed, and, after they had regaled themselves
plentifully from the larder, and the wine-cellar, at
length departed with their bootya considerable sum
of money and much valuable plate. At one o'clock on
that night, some persons returning home from a party
had noted seven men on the road near Downlands; at
half-past five the brother-in-law of Wood met seven
men near Ringle's Cross-gate. Wood's sword was
found near the Cross-gate, his gun was found in the
river near Maresfield tan-yard, and one of the masks
worn by the burglars was picked up on the road.

Six of the robbers have been arrested and committed
for trial. The apprehension of three of them was
accidental, and took place on the evening of the burglary, on
another charge. The names of these three are John
Hamilton, John Smith, and James Smith. They were at
a village called Groombridge, where Hamilton gave John