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learned Lord his word of honour that he
would never again allude to that owl,
although he must be permitted to say, jark!—
to say, kark!—jark!but that's neither here,
nor there. He would beg leave to substitute
another creature equally meritorious and
remarkable for his uglinesshe referred to the
Canadian Lynx. That was an animal who
ought to excite a great deal of attention at
this time, from the striking resemblance he
bore to a friend of Baron Rothschild's
namely Marshal Haynau, whose health was
drank the other day in treble X, by Messrs.
Barclay's draymen.

Lord Bumbleby. I insist upon it, that no
more of these

The Jack Daw hastened to anticipate his
Lordship's commandsand was dumb, so far
as the long-mustachioed LynxHaynau, he
meant to saywas concerned. Of the Otters
he would be silent: the constant exhibition
of their talents always collected an
admiring crowd. The same might be said of
the Monkeys, whose crieswhich he must say
were exactly like the drawing of a number of
small and very obstinate corksnever failed
to attract spectators to their performances.
But of the more modest, yet equally original,
merits of the American Tapir, whose nose is
a thick fore-finger (and the same curious
characteristic may be noted in the Rhinoceros);
of the amiable pair of Porcupines; and of the
King Vulture, who is said to have come from
Paraguay, but who, in reality, belongs to the
Kingdom of Pantomimehe could hold forth
from this time till to-morrow morning. He
understood the look of the noble and learned
Lord, and would not do so. He would conclude
by reminding them of one ominous fact. The
youngest of the Giraffes, being quite unable
to endure the melancholy sight of the
continual favouritismmoney lavishedand all
sorts of luxuries anxiously provided for the
Hippopotamackhad recently departed for
Antwerp, with a solemn vow never to return.
Let the Council and Mr. Mitchell look well to
it! let them be warned in time, lest other
choice creatures took an opportunity of effecting
their, jarkjark!—and leaving this
ungrateful country for everj ark!

Mr. Mitchell. I crave permission, my Lord,
to say one word. I will confine myself to the
remarks made of the creatures last mentioned.
This explanation will go to prove that neither
in expense, nor in attention, has any such
exclusive favour been shown to the
Hippopotamus as the various speakers would have
you believe. Take the example last given.
For a long time the Gardens possessed no
specimen of the Giraffe. After many vain
attempts to procure one, we made the following
public offer. The Society would give one
thousand pounds to anybody who would bring
to the Gardens the first Giraffe, alive and
well; eight hundred pounds for the second;
six hundred pounds for the third; five
hundred pounds for the fourth, and for as many
more as could be procured. A Frenchman
undertook the enterprise. He went over
to Africa with a party,—and, after great
efforts and privations, succeeded in obtaining
six. Two died on the way home; but he
brought four to us, and we paid him the
several sums we had promised. As to the
care and attention we bestow on them, it is
quite as much as we devote to the Hippopotamus.
(Great applausewith some murmurs
from the group of Animals.)

Professor Owen craved the indulgence ot
the Court for a minute longer. He had
already declared that his attentions were at
the service of any animal of distinguished
merits. The Giraffes had last been spoken of.
A Giraffe had died at the Gardens some years
ago, from a bad cold, and sore throat of long
standing. He, the Professor, had been most
anxious to add to the Museum of the College of
Surgeons a specimen of the spinal marrow of a
Giraffe. To obtain this he was engaged in its
dissection several days in an open shed, in
the depth of winter. He succeeded in
obtaining the whole length of the spinal cord.
He had a glass tube of eight or ten feet blown
on purpose to hold it, and a wooden foot made
to sustain the glass tubewhich might now
be seen at the Royal College of Surgeons
by any of the company present. The same
attention he was ready to display to any of
the group of animals there present! (Great
sensation.) And he could assure them that
their spinal cords and skeletons (Increased
sation, and sudden movement) would be
preserved in the Museum with every due regard
to their merits.

With a roar and a yell, and chatterings, and
screams, and strange cries, away gallopped,
and scrambled, and ran, and flew, all the
creatures!—creating by the suddenness and
confusion of their flight, a panic among all
the assembled companyevery one of whom
ran he knew not whither! The Duchess of
Flusterwing made straight for the Lion's
den; the noble and learned Lord, in his
flight, embraced the neck of the Rhinoceros
by mistake for somebody else. Mr. Yarrell
ran direct towards the canal, and jumped
in; Mr. Doyle dashed into one of the boundary
hedges; and Mr. Poot scouring away
at random, pitched head foremost into the
enclosure of the Tortoise, and on "siting
up" to collect his senses, saw the Fox eating
the remains of a veal-and-ham pie, with
some vegetable marrows given him on
"account" of fees due to him by the Tortoise.


IT has been declared, with truth, that
public charity accomplishes more in this
country than in any other in the world. The
inference to be deduced from this fact must
be carefully drawn. Many influences swell
the amount of "charitable donations;" and
it is by arriving at something like an estimate