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for the external galleries, but was in reality
too clumsy to be worth the pains of execution.
The idea grew in importance twenty-fold
when it developed itself into the design of a
model executed on spherical walls of a room.
Out of a cumbrous notion of a show Globe for
the Exhibition, sprang the plan which forms
really an important epoch in the history of
study; for henceforth all students should
have access to a Globe like this. The execution
of Mr. Wyld's mature design was
commenced in the October of last year. One of
the first checks to be encountered was the
difficulty of finding a sufficient number of
suitable workmen to manipulate in the
modelling department. The business was
almost a new one, and there was created a
demand for many hands. Most of the workmen
had to be instructed as they went; all
were required daily to read books, and
examine many maps, illustrative of the region
upon which they chanced to be engaged. The
labour was an exercise of mind; the labourers
became excited and interested, entered into
emulation, worked late and early, and went
home to their families proud of the information
they had stored up in their minds, delighting
in a sense of intellectual advancement.

Upon a square containing five degrees of
latitude, and three of longitude, the drawing for
a single block was, in the first instance, made
with painful care, and subjected to scrupulous
examination. Being found correct, it was then
placed upon a cylinder, and thinly covered
with a coat of clay. Upon this clay the lines
drawn by the artist were traced out in his
turn by the modeller. The modeller then,
having removed the drawing, began building
mountains, cutting rivers, shaping lakes, on
the substratum to which he had transferred
the artists' sketch; and here he brought a
practical result out of his daily reading. The
model, when completed in this way, underwent,
of course, tests and examinations, and
corrections, until, being pronounced true, it
was placed in the moulder's hands, that a cast
from it might be taken in plaster. The plaster
cast had to be tested, and sometimes corrected
to ensure its perfectness: after this it was
oiled, numbered, and placed on a rack. Of
such moulds, blocks of plaster averaging three
feet square, about six thousand were required,
having a total weight of twenty tons. From
these moulds casts are taken, which fit side
by side, and form the Globe in which we now
are talking. The moulds are, of course,
preserved; so a set of casts precisely similar can
be at any time supplied to order. The cost
of this model, with its case of brickwork,
exceeds twenty thousand pounds. For this
outlay, the proprietor is being slowly reimbursed
by the proceeds of the exhibition. It is the
whole cost of mould-making, and so forth. At
what price casts from these moulds could be
sold, I am unable to determine; but that
they should be issued at a fairly remunerative
price, and that Great Globes like this should
be erected wherever there exist large populations
that have intellects to satisfy, I am sure,
Tompkins, you will agree with me in thinking.

The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge,
remarks Tomkins, should erect such Globes
for the instruction of their students. Why
do you grunt, Jones?

Alas! my dear Tomkins, you are a very
sanguine fellow. Did you not hear that
reverend Oxonian asking about the Andes ? I
have more hope in the spirit of our towns.
The noble advances made by Manchester in
the way of parks, and recently in the establishment
of a Free Library, give me reason to
fear that Manchester will take the lead of
Oxford in all matters of this kind. Let us
go now to the other side of the world, where
you will find your ices.


       'Tis waste in glittering piles to hoard
        The wealth that blesses toil;
        In rusting coffers idly stored,
        A miser's treasured spoil;
       'Tis waste to spend on selfish greed
        The debt to Mercy owed,
       While countless thousands mourn the need
        Of what our lot bestow'd.

        For there are dying men enow,
        With hollow, sunken eyes,
        And famine written on their brow,
        Who coin no beggar's lies;
       Once tenants of a decent home,
        They plied an honest trade;
       Now houseless in the streets they roam,
        Fit objects for our aid!

       And there are widows newly reft
        Of joys of happier years;
       In bleak and lonely sorrow left
        To shed unheeded tears;
       And orphan children cry aloud
        For food to nourish life;
       Where wraps the sire a tatter'd shroud,
        And shrieks the frenzied wife.

        Aye! these are scenes for wealth to seek,
        And scatter gifts around;
        Where pine the starved, where crawl the weak,
        On holy British ground.
        Let us not brook that aught should breathe
        Our country's air in vain;
        But kindle beaming smiles to wreathe
        The brow of Want and Pain!


THE following are extracts from the
manuscript of a German gentleman of education,
who fled from hopeless poverty, occasioned
by political persecution at home, to endure
poverty, with hope of better days, in London.
He landed at Blackwall on a cold morning,
in December, 1846, with a small spare body,
a nearly empty purse, and a carpet-bag. His
hope was that he might earn bread by